Our females are only bred with selectively chosen stud dogs that will complement them well and correct any faults they may have. When looking for a stud dog to include in our breeding program, we look for good conformation, nice pigmentation around the eyes/nose/lips, dilute/free, a well balanced temperament, desire to retrieve, good marking skills and a willingness to please and work. The stud dogs are the back-bone to our program therefore, we are extremely selective.
Hawk is our newest stud dog pick. We are excited to announce that he is going to be our 2023 stud dog!
When I think of Hawk I think of the term “eye candy”. He’s just plain flashy that’s the bottom line.. HRCH Hawk is the total package as far as hunting retrievers go. He can mark, he’s watery, has drive, and trainability. His disposition is unmatched. Hawk is well bred and comes from some of the top stud dog producers in the country. He is a powerful large framed male that is stunningly gorgeous, talented and exceptional smart.. That’s the total package.. We are beyond excited to hang our breeding program hat on this guy for 2023 litters!
FC GRHRCH Franchise’s Performance Enhancing Drug “Juice
A word about Juice! Juice was chosen for many reasons is considered part of our stud dog foundation. Our breeding program is successful due to this beautiful animal. He’s a very special dog that is known throughout the US. I am proud to know him personally, to have been able to hunt beside him, and to have him as DTR’s foundation sire.
GRHRCH (8) Docheno’s Conecuh River Man, MNH%, MH, QA2, NDL “Gus”
I owe part of my success as a breeder to this dog.. Gus is the second dog that I bred to when I began my breeding journey. He is considered a foundation stud dog in our kennel. About Gus I am writing this a few days after we got the horrific news that Gus died tragically. This is June 2022 and I wanted to mention what this dog means to me personally and how much I admire his talent, his offspring, and his owner. A friend of mine told me that I needed to take a look at Gus for stud dog prospect. I called Chase Haws (who is an exceptional trainer) and asked him about his dog. Gus at that time was I think a 3 x GRHRCH he had a qualifying 3rd at 16 months, and qualifying win at 2, he had a derby jam at only 14 months, and earned his HRCH at 13 months. Jetta had over one year duck dog training and had earned some seasoned passes. Chase agreed to bred Gus to Jetta and oh boy was I happy and extremely honored. From there Chase and I had a close working relationship and I bred to Gus a total of 4 times. What a dog and what a producer. He throws his talent and together Chase and I have had approximately 17 avid duck hunters (this is only 3 breedings), 7 titled offspring one being a GRHRCH, MNH, MH, QA2, 2′ HRCH’s, HR breathing down a MH neck, and just some families that adore their Jetta + Gus pups. Easy going talented and hard charging animals that some call once-in-a-lifetime animal. I could go on-on about this dog! I will say that his legacy lives on through out his progeny. We are very blessed!
Tater’s Sire!
Mr. Wiggles is a big part of our program. We own his daughter Tater Tot. I will update this page once Tater had thrown some pups.
Tater’s reservation list has started and we can’t wait to have some Wiggles’ + Addi grandpups.
According to AKC Standards; Good dogs come from good breeders. Good breeders strive to improve their breeds while considering canine health, temperament, training, and promoting responsible dog ownership.
Breed Description: A Labrador Retriever puppy makes a lively and lovable addition to the family. The high-spirited and active pup has a big, generous heart and a desire to please, which makes him a trainable and willing companion. He’ll be thrilled to join in family activities, especially if that includes lots of active play time, from swimming, hunting or fishing to a rousing game of catch in the backyard. A gentle temperament combined with friendliness and intelligence make Labs the most popular breed in the country.