Planned Breedings

Reservation Lists for 2024 – 2025 

“First and foremost we recognize the importance of quality over quantity.  We have a couple of slots available and are extremely selective”

My lists fill up fairly quickly and the average wait is about 6 – 8 months depending.  This doesn’t mean that some folks don’t hop a couple of months before the birth. Mother nature is in charge and I can never predict the litter size, gender count, and sometimes color.  But that being said, waiting to hop on never works because the timing has to be exact and it never is.  I won’t jot down people that aren’t committed to my line either.  It’s too important and commitment is part of the process when selecting dog breeders.  I don’t churn out litters and give away puppies at the last minute.  My program is proven and so are my dogs.  Let’s talk for a minute about reservations list and a breeders process regarding evaluating new puppy owners.  We are happy to offer our reservation lists as a way to reserve your spot in choosing a new fur baby into your life.  As a smart dog breeder, I am more concerned about a good match than I am selling a puppy.   Just as we are selective about our breeding practices we have to be as equally selective about accepting new families.  Throughout the years I have found that not all people are completely transparent.   I hope that you will recognize the importance of quality over quantity as far as how many litters we raise a year.    A responsible breeder has a detailed screening process for the adoption of one of their puppies.   I only accept telephone conversations when beginning the screening process.  I can’t imagine getting to know someone through written conversations.  There can be serious red-flags that crop up during a conversation this enables me to ensure that it’s a good match.   I hope this helps you with your breeder selection process as well.  I always welcome conversations so please don’t hesitate to give me a call anytime.  Oh, I have been asked about other local breeders I don’t watch or compare myself. I can’t recommend anyone locally because my network is broader in terms of geographical areas.  I do have however have breeder friends that sometimes have litters.  Thanks again!   770-733-0836




Labrador Retriever Hunting BreederLabrador Retriever BreederHunting Labrador Retrievers Georgia